Monday, April 30, 2012

Pictures –Worth more than a Thousand Words

Crew perfecting the stone base
We all have heard the expression “A pictures worth
a thousand words”, but that might be selling it short. If you don’t take pictures, start immediately. If you are already taking pictures, take more. If you follow this blog you might have read about the four pillars of a landscape business – Marketing; Sales; Production and Finances. Pictures will help all 4. I’ll touch on just some of the benefits.

Accepting Awards at PLNA Conference
Marketing: This is obvious. We all need pictures to build a portfolio. Pictures are needed for Websites, Blogs; Publications, Awards, Presentations to Garden Clubs etc. The more unique you are the more important your pictures will be. Let your pictures show you stand apart from the rest.

 Sales: Good design and the help of 3D design show people what you are thinking, but nothing is better than showing pictures of similar projects. People want to know you are capable of achieving what you say. Pictures of previous project proof you are who you say you are. 

Brick Fountain

Production: Before pictures help production. This is especially true if the sales person is not the production crew. Crews love to see what they are getting into before arriving. This helps them be prepared physically and emotionally. Winning those awards mentions in marketing also lifts the crew’s moral and credibility. Make sure you show them pictures of projects they finished years ago.

Finances: This will follow from all of the above. Great pictures will help you get more and better
leads; resulting in more sales at better margins.

Production crew will have more pride resulting
Vegetable in the front yard of historic home
in better production with less call backs.

For more pictures

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