Monday, April 16, 2012

How do you prevent burnout?

Sorry for the delay on this one. I almost posted something before I realized I was completely wrong. Preventing burnout has to do with having a healthy body, mind and soul. This time of the year pushes many to work longer than usual. This can bring physical fatigue. Knowing and tracking your score can help prevent this. It’s a lot easier to call it quits at the end of the day when you know you have done enough to win or achieve your goals. Also remember to eat healthy. It’s easy to skip meals. I have to confess I need help with this.

The extra hours can also put additional tress to our minds. Obviously this can cause us make poor decisions. Make sure you have someone to keep you in check . Look to a business partner, spouse, or peer group for accountability. These first two are the easiest to prevent. Knowing the score in life’s goals helps a lot. Make sure your checking account isn’t your only gauge.

This last one is the hardest to measure, but can be the most powerful one. A healthy soul or spirituality helps us keep everything in perspective. Although it may vary from person to person, most of us need to have a purpose for what we do. We all need to know we are making a difference. This is hard to measure. My only advice here is to be still. We live in a fast pace world. After that, spend time with the people you want to influence.

Have a great week.

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