Monday, April 23, 2012

Group Forums - Wise or Foolish Advice?

Today’s technology makes it easy to get advice on anything. You can find or start a discussion on anything. This can be a great thing or a dangerous thing. All in all I think it is great. Most people are honestly trying to help others while sharing their own experiences. It’s good to take advantage of what people have learned to reduce your learning curve. We have a lot of talented passionate people in the green industry and its great so many are trying to elevate our industry. I do caution you to think through the advice before acting.

Business is business, but no two situations are exactly the same. I know I don’t take it lightly when answering people’s questions. It’s hard to get all the facts in a group forum. If you are posting the question, make sure you are looking for the best advice. Check the source. The source doesn’t have to be the same type company as yours. Sometimes it’s better if it’s not. Also make sure you aren’t simply looking for conformation. Somebody will most likely agree with you, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best advice for you. Try posting the question to more than one group. If you have time, repost the same question a week or two later. 

Tip for big decisions:
Work with someone that knows your entire situation.
(Mentor, Spouse, Consultant, Accountant, Peer Group)

Again, I believe there are a lot of great discussions happening in these groups.

Keep the forums rolling. 


  1. The greatest thing about the internet and online forums is you can confirm or deny anything you want. The tone you write your post in also effect the responses you get.

    I like forums for technical skills and to see who get's the big picture of running a business. I can then send those people a private message if I need some buiness advice.

  2. John, great point about sending a private message for more detailed advice. Hope your spring is going well.
