Monday, May 7, 2012

Are you having fun? Get involved and give back.

Ribbon cutting ceremony

"Slyde" The Playground Hound
This industry can be as stressful as any, so are you having fun? Are you doing projects you can be proud of? Are your clients happy? What do you like most about waking up? What do you like most about going home? It would be easy to quickly read through these questions, but take a minute and go back and meditate on these.

Here are some photos of a playground we just finished. Friday was the ribbon cutting ceremony. We rented “Slyde” the playground hound to add some fun and excitement. We had a blast and so did the kids. This was a great way to start the weekend.

What are some things you have done or are planning for this year?

Is it still work if you’re having fun?

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