Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

View from Little Round Top looking over Devil's Den
On this day of remembering the great sacrifice many man and women made for our freedom, I say thank you. Thank you to those who fought for this country. This day causes me to reflect on my last my last two posts. If you don’t follow weekly, shame on you. Go back and read at least last weeks.

Last week I wrote what great leaders do during life’s valleys. Life’s valley’s change us and often those around us. It’s up to you if it will change you for the better or worse. Today made me think back two weeks ago when I was on a field trip with my daughter’s class to Gettysburg. I learned a lot about the history of the Civil War. Talk about life’s valleys. One thing evident was this war changed lives. One life that was changed was President Lincoln. He got to a point of brokenness. Unfortunately it takes most of us to reach rock bottom before we see the blessings around us.

Celebrate the sacrifice of those who fought by saying thank you. Thank you to those who lost their lives, thank you to your spouse, your children, your parents, your friends, thank you to your employees, thank you to your clients, thank you to ...

We can’t always control life’s situation, but we can always control our attitudes and actions in the situation.

Enjoy your Memorial Day!

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