Monday, June 4, 2012

Can you grow your business while working in your business?

For many years I have heard consultants tell people to work on your business and not in your business. There is a lot of true to that if your goal is to grow your business larger. One person can only do so much. Someone needs to have a vision for the future, marketing plans, manage sales, manage production, manage cash flow, etc. Personally I love all aspects of our industry and growing a business. I loved growing our business to almost $5 million. It is a lot of fun creating systems and building a team to ultimately deliver an incredible experience for our clients.

What about the people that love getting their hands dirty, working with clients, seeing the project from start to finish? What about the people that don’t want to spend all their time managing this or that? I see nothing wrong with this business model. This is as honorable as growing a multimillion dollar business, but this model too has its downside. Someone still needs to have a vision and a pulse on the marketing, sales, production and finances. The main difference in the small company vs. the large company is how we take the pulse of the business. The smaller the business the easier it is to take a two finger pulse. As the business grows and one gets further removed in one or more areas, numbers are needed to take the pulse of a business. Either way the pulse needs to be taken. Small and large businesses need to be able to be proactive and respond quickly to change.

Let me know if you need help getting your business’s pulse. I have some exciting news coming soon or contact me at How to take my business’s pulse?

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