Monday, October 22, 2012

Sorry for the change of plans:

Sorry I know I said this week I would tell you all about how our new “Schedule 2 Win” software will help you manage the four main elements of business (Leads / Sales / Production / Finances). I promise I will hit on it next week. This week I have to tell you about my latest experience with technology. I’m sure most of you have heard of “Go to Meeting” or some of the others out there, but are you taking advantage of this technology? You must. I use it frequently to review design updates with my landscape clients. This makes it easier to meet on their time. This last time I used it with our marketing firm for Schedule 2 Win.

Last week I had a meeting with someone from South Africa, Arizona and Colorado. I was able to have my meeting right on my I Phone. The best part was it all happened in the parking lot of my daughter’s volleyball game. I was able to take care of business and still make almost the entire game.

How are using technology to help quality of life and customer service?

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