Monday, October 8, 2012

Are you scheduled to win?

You may or may not have been wondering where I have been the last month. Here is the update. Over the last year we have been developing a program which is by far our best management tool.  We have been using the tool for years, but recently decided to make it more user friendly.  I believe it will help all businesses operate more effeciently. We are almost there.  I've also been lining up my winter speaking engagements.  I'll be updating them soon.

This tool will help you manage your, projects, staff and profitability at a quick glance. Remember I’m a contract not just at heart, but I have been one for over 20 years and counting. I realize we don’t have time for reports and spreadsheets of data. We don’t have time to generate them and we don’t have time to read and process them. That’s why I’m so excited about this amazing tool. Although it can do some powerful things the heart of it is K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid. This one tool has allowed us to drastically reduce the amount of reports we needed to have a pulse on our business.

I hope I got your attention. Look for more information to follow or contact me at

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