Sunday, October 14, 2012

4 Main Elements Profitable Businesses need to Manage

There is something about my make up that makes me get to the core of things. In recent times this has become a necessity to run a profitable business. When we strip business to its core, it’s made up of four main elements. They are Marketing; Sales; Production and Finances. If you control these four elements you can almost predict your future. How sweet would that be?

Let’s look how. These 4 elements are your business time line. Let’s start at the end goal and work backwards. The final goal is to have cash. How do you get cash? First you need to invoice something. In order to invoice something, you need to produce something. In order to produce something, you need to sell something. In order to sell something, you need to have someone interested in your product or service. O.k. that’s obvious enough. So let run it the other way assume we are running all on 4 cylinders. If enough people are interested in my service today and because I have a great sales process/team, I will meet or exceed my sales goal this week. Because I meet or exceed my sales goal this week and I have a great production process/team, I will meet or exceed my production goal next week. If my production goal has been met, I can invoice enough this month to insure the cash will come in. It’s that easy or is it. You still need to have away to manage and benchmark these four main elements. How do you manage these four elements? What is your process? Next week I will discuss how our new schedule 2 win software helps to manage all four. You don’t need our schedule 2 win software, but this is a system we have developed for over ten years. It’s really amazing how something so simple can be so strong.

Have a great week.

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