Monday, February 27, 2012

Part Two: When do you say no to a lead?

I trust everyone had a great week and is looking forward to an even better one. Spring is here in south central PA. The phones are ringing off the hook. I don’t have time to follow up on all the leads. What do I do? Sound familiar? Obviously the past few years have been tough on our industry. Most people built there companies up and then struggled to feed it. Everyone is trying to use their resources more wisely, which brings us to part two of “When do you say no to a lead?”
In part one I asked you to answer one question.

          Do you want more leads like this one?

Hands down we all say referrals are our best leads. After you knock their socks off, everyone will be calling you, right.  Let’s take a step back to see who this people will be.

• Your Facebook and website groupies because you will post a picture of this job on Facebook or Website?

• The client’s friends and family because they socialize with your type of clients.

• The client’s neighbors because they live in a neighborhood you are targeting.

• People that are will to pay your price because they understand and appreciate the value you bring.

If this job does not bring you referrals you will be left casting nets hoping to put food on the table. This week we focused on the positive of a good lead. Next week we will look at the negatives of a bad lead.


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