Monday, March 5, 2012

Part Three: “When do you say no to a lead?”

Let’s look at what bad leads can do to you.

• Drain your time

• De-value your product

• Doubt your product

• Cause you to doubt your product and abilities

I want to spend a little more time on the last one. If you hear you are too ______________ enough times you may start to believe it. This is tough because obviously you need to listen to what people are saying. You need to constantly examine your process and product. I just ask you to make sure you are polling your target clientele and not being blown by every passing wind. Stand firm in what you believe. Ask a few of your clients why they chose you. We often ask new leads, “Who else you are talking too? or How did you hear about us?” How about something like this? “Mr. and Mrs. Jones, I know you called us because you saw the work we did at the Johnson’s, but why did you chose to hire me? Fair question isn’t? Don’t you want to make sure you live up to their expectations? Try and let me know if this tip helps you manage your next project.

Just in… #1 thing what poor leads can do? I’m on my way to testify about how much damage widening a road will do to their trees. Think about charging for insurance estimates. We do now.


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