Monday, March 26, 2012

Winning in Life

In last week’s post I challenged you to think about how and at what point do you know you are winning in your business. There are many different ways to identify your score. You really can know if you are winning or losing. The goal is to have a scoreboard that is up to date and easy to read. This is very important. The sooner you know the score the sooner you can make wise decisions. Let’s look at why this is important.

If you know the score you’ll see one of 3 things. You will be ahead of schedule, on schedule or behind schedule. It’s easy to keep score in business, but how do you keep score in LIFE? This is harder to do. Not impossible but harder, so let’s look at like this. If I had to guess, I would guess your business impacts your personal life in a big way. How much does your business affect your marriage, your family time, your life style, or your health? Do you just keeping working and working and working because you love it. Most of us love this industry, but is that winning in Life? I’m not judging if you think it is, but most people believe there is a lot more to life than work.

If you knew you were winning what would you do?
  • Work harder and longer for more profits (not a bad thing if you have nothing saved for a rainy day)
  • Go out to eat with your spouse
  • Take off early to watch one of your kid’s events
  • Take a vacation

 If you knew you were losing, what would you do?
  • Try to work through it (for how long?) 
  • Restructure 
  • Evaluate if you have a Marketing, Sales, Production or Financial issue 
  • Hire a consultant
  • Take some time off to clear your mind (this is crucial for wise decision making) 

How we spend our time and money usually identifies what’s important to us.

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