Tuesday, February 21, 2012

When do you say no to a lead?

We all have run across those obvious leads that we run from. Mine was just last week. A general contractor called me and was trying to find a pool contractor for his client. I asked what the client was looking to have. His response was a 750 sq.ft., natural shaped pool. Can you make it 3’ in the shallow end and 5’ in the deep end? I tried to get more questions answered like: Do they want concrete or liner? Do they know the advantages and disadvantages to each? Do they want any sun shelves? Spa? It was immediately clear I was talking to the guy that gives all contractors a bad name. I obviously said sorry we can’t help you without drawing a plan to meet the client’s needs and desires. Then we can price out the job. We parted ways.
Again we all ran across the obvious ones, but how do we decide on the not so obvious leads? This goes back to your core values and vision for your company. Where are you going and how are you getting there? You only need to answer one question.

              Do you want more leads like this one?

Remember this is not a paying customer yet? What does your sales systems look like? Do you believe in your system? Do you have a system? There are many ways to address new leads. What works for one company might not work for you. Remember you have a goal, a destination. How are you getting there? Does your current sales system help you get there? What would you change if you could?

The only thing worse than having no leads is have bad leads. Bad leads often drain your most valuable resource – TIME.

I’ll follow up next with part two of this post.

Enjoy the week.

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