Monday, October 31, 2011

Gotta know what you’re fishing for before you bait the hook

Part 4:
Choose your bait.
Identify how to reach or connect with those clients

Only after you have defined your services and the client that uses these services, can you try to understand how to connect with them. Choose the media that will appeal to them. For example, if you love competing on commercial bid work, don’t send 1,000 direct mailers to residences. Yes, everyone lives in a home, but you could send 100 contractors a direct mailer 10 times for a similar cost. There may be reason to go out on a limb, but be careful. I once tried targeting a wide market that was not hitting our client base. It worked in getting the phone to ring. We got more leads from this form of marketing than anything else. The problem was that none of them turned into jobs. The only thing worse than not having work, is working hard for people that will never be clients.

Once you grasp this concept with marketing you will be able to apply it to every aspect of your business. The more you align your marketing, sales, and production with a focus on your vision the more dynamic the results will be. You are now on your way from marketing to branding.

Congratulations, you caught the big one!

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