Monday, December 31, 2012

What did you miss in 2012 and what to look forward to in 2013

Normally at this time of the year we reflect back on the year.  We see what went well and what didn't go so well.  We try to make changes for a better bright year ahead.  Here are a few things you might have missed in 2012.

What you might have missed in 2012:
When do you know you are winning
Why buy what you can't see?
My guest appearance on FD2B - Talk Radio

What to look forward to in 2013:
We are now offering our best management tool - SCHEDULE 2 WIN
My Presentation at the GLTE in MI
My 4 presentations at MAHTS in Lancaster, PA and Atlantic City, NJ
Webinar - "Who to get the most out of a conference"

Bring on 2013.

Happy New Year's to you all.

Brad Groff

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