Monday, November 12, 2012

How Schedule 2 Win can help manage sales

The last two weeks I talked about how your schedule should (Schedule 2 Win does) help manage your finances and you production. This week I’m going over how it helps you manage your sales. Yes a schedule can help you manage sales. I think I can keep this short and sweet.

S2W is not meant to be a complex tool to manage sales. It is not a CRM. What it does is give you a good indicator of your sales at a quick glance. We focus on the two main sales indicators. They are your pipeline and backlog. We make it so easy to schedule your projects because we want you to schedule it as soon as it becomes a lead. Your next step it to transition it into a sale. Most people don’t want to schedule a project because they are afraid the date will change. Of course it will. We have rain, sick days, add ons, equipment breakdowns, etc. This list goes on and on. The reality is we all still need to get a certain amount of work done rain or shine. We designed S2W to make it easy to allow change. It is very important to enter everything as soon as it is sold. Otherwise you have no idea of your backlog. This helps in so many ways. First if you can clearly see your backlog you can easily see if you have a sales issue or not. You can even see which salesperson will hit there mark and which need some help. If you are lacking in sales you can quickly reference your pipeline of proposals to see which lead you want to focus on closing. It that simple and we keep it that simple.

Again being a contractor for over 20 years, I realize no one has time to enter a lot of data. We need a lot of output with little input.

Have a great week.

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