Monday, July 30, 2012

Doing more with less, really?

I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard, “We are doing more with less.” That’s great, but you don’t need that kind of pressure on yourself. Let’s get back to basics. Revenue - Expenses = Profit. If your profits are down, you have three main options.

          • Do a lot more with a little more

          • Do a little more with the same

          • Do a little less with a lot less

I think for many years we all tried the first one, but which is right for you?
Write me at: and tell me your story or if you need help finding what is right for you. 

Have a great day.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Are you improving?

A good question to always ask, “Am I improving?” This can apply to us as individuals: spouse, parent, employer, employee, etc. You can also ask the same question about your company. I feel it is always best to break down the question. Breaking it down into smaller sections gives more accountability to your answer as well as your follow through. Of course, we are going to address follow through.

Let’s start simple because when we get to ambitious nothing gets done.

Pick one area of your business. (Marketing/Leads; Sales; Production or Finances)

Which is true for you?
     • We have improved since last year.
     • We are about the same.
     • We are worse off than last year.

Now define one action that will help you improve in this area. Set a specific goal that is measurable so you can keep yourself accountable. Better yet tell someone you trust to keep you accountable to your decision. Do this exercise even if you have improved in your chosen area. Just because you improved last year doesn’t mean you will in the future.

Free Tip:  Now before you exit off this page, decide what special thing you are going to do today for your, spouse, child, employee etc. Improving is one action at a time.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Does your Business Provide you Freedom or Bondage?

I thought this would be a great topic for the week our nation celebrates our independence. I just meet with a new client that moved to the U.S. 14 years ago. This is his words – “America is still the land of opportunity, but you have to work for it.” I know I haven’t traveled the world, but America is a great nation with lots of opportunities. Yes, you do have to work for it as my client stated.

I assume most of you are taking off to celebrate the 4th of July. Can you answer these few questions?

          • How do schedule to make up that work?
          • How do you know if you need to make it up?
          • Are you working Saturday to make it up?
          • Do you work longer days to make it up?
          • Do you set your budget to have off on holidays?
          • Do you know if you are scheduled to win for the week?
                    o For the Month
                    o For the Year
          • If knew you were scheduled to win, what would you do different?

Please contact me at if you need help answering these questions.

Have a great 4th of July Celebration.