Monday, August 6, 2012

Where to look for help?

I know I’m a little biased, but the Green Industry is way ahead of a lot of other industries. The green industry has so many places to get help. I still remember walking through one of my competitor’s nurseries 20 years ago. We were looking at Red Maples. He let me know they grow a couple cultivars, but they also grow straight species Acer rubrum . I asked why? How do you know about the fall color? He told me that once a red maple has a red fall color it will always have the red fall color. They mark the tree once it gets its first fall color. Now he could have been blowing me smoke, but I don’t think so. As we have grown, we have always been able to rely heavy on our supplies to help us with new territories.

Where to look:
          • National or State Associations
          • Trade Shows
          • Vendors / Suppliers
          • Chat Forums (Linked In)
          • Business Consultants
          • Peer Groups
          • Trade Magazines

These are all great, but let’s make sure you are picking the right source to help you with your specific issue. I know none of us have issues and we are simple just looking for something that might help in some way some day. That’s the issue right there. We all have issues and need solutions to these issues. Stay focus. Identify the issue. Identify best place for help (if needed). Lay out the game plan. Execute!

Don’t be afraid to look outside our industry if needed. Here is a link to a great Leadership Conference happening this week. It’s going on in multi locations in multiple states.  I highly recommend it.

Hope you enjoy.

Have a great week.